Terms of Service

  1. Use of the services provided by the SRCF shall be subject to these Terms of Service, and to:
    1. the Rules Made by the University of Cambridge Information Strategy and Services Syndicate: http://www.cam.ac.uk/cs/isss/rules/isss.html
    2. the Authorization for Use of the CUDN rules: http://www.cam.ac.uk/cs/isss/rules/other/network/cudnrules.html
    3. the JANET Acceptable Use Policy: http://www.ja.net/documents/publications/policy/aup.pdf
    4. and all the other rules listed at: http://www.cam.ac.uk/cs/network/rules/
  2. It is not permitted by the University for people to retain their user accounts on machines connected to the CUDN if they are no longer authorised users of the CUDN. Therefore, your SRCF user account will expire around the time that your University email account does. We will try to give you notice of this, but this may not always be possible. Membership of the SRCF is for life, and you will still be able to use the SRCF for web and email forwarding.
  3. The SRCF System Administrators reserve the right to view any data stored on, or passing through, the machines under their control for the purposes of ensuring their correct operation, security, and compliance with these Terms of Service and relevant UK and EU legislation.
  4. Members of the SRCF should understand that we will occasionally need to carry out maintenance on the SRCF servers. This may involve an interruption in service, for example a reboot. We will try to give you notice of this and we will also try to carry out any maintenance in the scheduled vulnerable period (Sundays 2am to 3am), but this may not always be possible. Additionally, the provision of our services relies on several other organisations (such as CUSU, the UCS, and JANET) and therefore any maintenance carried out by them may also cause an interruption in our service.
  5. Members of the SRCF are not permitted to compromise the security or privacy of another user's account or data in any way. By default, all files and all directories on the SRCF are world-readable, i.e. their contents are viewable by other members. Members of the SRCF are reminded that just because something is technically possible, it doesn't imply that they are authorized to do it. Therefore, members must not access other people's data without their explicit consent.
  6. Members of the SRCF must not interfere with the availability of SRCF services to other members of the SRCF and/or system sanity.
  7. Users of the SRCF are responsible for maintaining the security of their account. This means, for example, that users must not have any password that is easily-guessable, users must not share any password, and users must not let anybody else access their account. Note that this also means that users must endeavour to update any software they install, particularly when an updated version fixing a security vulnerability is released.
  8. A group account's administrators are jointly responsible for maintaining the security of that group account, and have exactly the same responsibilities regarding that group account as they have for their own personal accounts.
  9. Users of the SRCF are solely responsible for maintaining any needed backups of data they hold on the SRCF servers; the SRCF will not be held responsible for any loss of data.
  10. Group websites may not be run from a user's personal web space.
  11. The services provided by the SRCF may not be used to send, or host websites advertised by, unsolicited bulk email and/or USENET spam.
  12. The SRCF will pass on to you any excessive expenses that your use/misuse of our services incurs. Currently, the main example of this is excessive chargeable bandwidth.
  13. Any violation of any of the above may result in the SRCF System Administrators temporarily limiting or suspending your access to SRCF services and/or taking any reasonable actions that they deem necessary to prevent further violations, and the matter may be referred to the SRCF Committee and/or to the University of Cambridge Computing Service.
  14. In the event of a dispute regarding the facts, or regarding the reasonableness of any sanctions imposed, the person in question shall have the right to appeal to the SRCF Committee.

Any problems, suggestions, or questions regarding the above terms should be directed to the system administrators by email – soc-srcf-admin@lists.cam.ac.uk